Tuesday, September 3, 2013

A Mysogynist Judge

In Florida, a 54-year old school teacher has sex with a 14-year old female student. The teacher is sentenced to only 30 days in jail. In rendering his outrageous decision, the judge said of the child rape victim, that she was far more mature than her chronological age, and that the 14-year old was just as much in control of the situation as the 54-year old teacher was.

There was so much outrage over the judge's decision and subsequent statements, the judge went on TV and apologized.

Even if the sex was 'consensual' a 14-year old cannot legally consent to have sex with someone older than her by 3 years. The teacher is guilty of statutory rape, at the very least.

This judge is dangerous! First, he is a potential misogynist. His ruling and statements encourage other sex-crazed adults to attempt similar crimes with children. His apology is meaningless. He still holds his warped and dangerous opinions about any young girl he considers physically and mentally beyond her years. He sees little, if anything, wrong with a middle-aged man wanting to have sex with a 14-year old girl.

The judge should be impeached! He should be disbarred, and possibly charged with child endangerment. He should be publicly ridiculed and have his reputation ruined.

This Florida judge is another example of why millions of people are losing, or have already lost, faith in the judicial system. That fact is the saddest and most dangerous issue of all...

That's my take on it.  What do you think?

Good-bye.  God bless.  Be safe.


  1. One has to wonder how many years it will be, before the age of consent will be lowered. After all as a nation, we are acknowledging that sexual attraction between people of the same gender and redefining marriage outside the bounds of one man/one woman is, is acceptable. And when the new gay marriage social experiment is fully implemented and foisted on society, (and it will, some day), what next? Will those who are sexually attracted to children, begin championing their form of “love” and demand their “right” to love children in a sexual manner and even marry them?

    1. Yes, Grace, I believe the age of consent will be targeted next. You should look into NAMBLA - the North American Man/Boy Love Association, that's been around for decades. It'll make you sick.
      We need to protect the most vulnerable of our citizens with everything we've got.
      See you on facebook!
      Take care.

  2. Sick but if you want to get sick I read tonight and an 8 year old "Girl" died after her wedding night in Yaman. The 1st night with her 40 year old husband was her demise. I'll let you look up the story or just guess what she died from. Totally sick things happen in this world and you have wonder if God cries everyday these sick people live on this earth. Miss you Bob....

  3. Every American citizen should be outraged with this story. It just gave a green light for adults to not be responsible for their actions and children to be a target of these disturbed adults. Miss hearing you on the radio, Bob. It isn't the same without you.
