Monday, August 26, 2013

The Traitor(-ette)

Army Private Bradley Manning is the traitor who leaked thousands of top secret military documents to WikiLeaks. He could have been sentenced to 90 years in prison. Instead, he was sentenced to only 35 years and will be eligible for parole in 9 years.

Now, this un-American reprobate is saying he wants to serve his time as a woman, in a women's prison!  The scumbag has apparently had gender issues for some time. There's a photo of him on cable news in drag – a close-up of him in a long blond wig and makeup.

I'm tired of this cockamamie transgender crap! I'm particularly fed up with convicts saying the taxpayers should pay for their sex change, which can cost $20,000-30,000. The Uniform Code of Military Justice states military convicts can not have a sex change at taxpayer expense, but Manning's lawyer says he'll fight it in court.

Let me know what do you think will happen?

Good-Bye. God bless. Be safe.

1 comment:

  1. Since this is a high profile case a lot of civil liberties groups will get involved. I think ultimately the military will be forced to give transgender prisoners the same rights they are given in federal and state prisons. It would be interesting to hear Rominger's opinion on this case.
